Sunday, January 07, 2007

Pilots on the Piste

Spending Christmas away from family and friends is always hard but a hardy group of 14 of us made the best of it by driving to Colorado (14 hours) to sample skiing USA style. The snow storms that closed Denver airport were great news for us as our rented 4x4's were able to cope with the extreme weather. In fact, driving to the ski resorts was almost as much fun as the skiing itself. It took me a day or so to get my ski legs back but once regained the usual over-confidence in my own skiing abilities took over resulting in five days of developing new and interesting bruises. Typically, most of my time was spent on the black runs or nice, fast red runs. Christmas dinner was consumed at about 11 pm on Christmas day due to us skiing until 4.00 pm. We didn't spot any celebrities on the slopes at Aspen but did spot Cameron Diaz at Vail. Hope to add some photos shortly to complement this text.